{ "MeasurementToolMetadata": { "Description": "The file FourChoiceRT_data.tsv contains the trial-level data from the four choice reaction time task used in the WAND study." }, "participant": { "Description": "Participant ID" }, "Block": { "Description": "N Block of task", "Levels": { "1": "First block", "2": "Second block", "3": "Third block" } }, "Trial": { "Description": "N trial within block (1 to 124)" }, "Correct_response": { "Description": "Correct response for the trial (also indicates stimulus location in horizontal array)" }, "Given_response": { "Description": "button pressed by participant" }, "Correct": { "Description": "Whether or not the response was correct", "Levels": { "1": "Correct", "0": "Error" } }, "RT": { "Description": "Reaction time", "Units": "Seconds" } }