function varargout = findIntSpikes(data, varargin) %% Find interneuron action potentials % This function is designed to find interneuron spikes and seperate them % from noise and other fast changes in the membrane potential. The function % is capable of finding most of the interneuon spikes with amplitudes down % to approximately 1 mV. If requested, a plot can be created showing all % spikes that were detected by the function for validation purposes. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input [optional input arguments are name-value-pairs] % ----- % data: data to be analysed, type: vector % PlotFlag: select if a plot should be created for each trial % (optional) showing the detected peaks. 0 (no plots, default), % 1 (plots) % ------ % Output % ------ % varargout{1}: peak values [mV] % varargout{2}: peak locations [datapoints] % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Program by: Bjarne Schultze [last modified: 01.03.2022] % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Preparations % parse the user input p = inputParser; addRequired(p,'data', @(x) isvector(x)) addParameter(p,'PlotFlag', [], @(x) isequal(x,1)||isequal(x,0)) parse(p, data, varargin{:}) dataIN =; plotflag = p.Results.PlotFlag; % load additional file load("../AdditionalFiles/standard_stimulus.mat", "standard_stimulus") %% Main calculations [peak_values, locations, ~, prom] = findpeaks(dataIN,... 'Annotate','extents', 'WidthReference','halfprom',... 'MinPeakProminence', 1,'MaxPeakWidth',200); % preassign a vector to gather the quater prominence width qprom_width = zeros(length(peak_values),1); % measure the peak width at one quarter of the prominence for each % spike (default would be half prom) for spike = 1:length(peak_values) % set the quarter prom as reference value for width measurement measure_level = peak_values(spike) - 0.25*prom(spike); % select a window of 100 datapoints around the current spike if % possible, otherwise a one-sided smaller window if locations(spike) < 51 spikeData = dataIN(1:locations(spike)+50); spikeLoc = locations(spike); elseif locations(spike)+50 > locations(end) spikeData = dataIN(locations(spike)-50:end); spikeLoc = 51; else spikeData = dataIN(locations(spike)-50:locations(spike)+50); spikeLoc = 51; end % devide the points in left and right of the peak dataL = spikeData(1:spikeLoc); dataR = spikeData(spikeLoc+1:end); % take the points (left and right) that are closest to the % measure level of a quarter of the prominence [~,minL] = min((dataL - measure_level), [], ... 'ComparisonMethod','abs'); [~,minR] = min((dataR - measure_level), [], ... 'ComparisonMethod','abs'); % calculate the final width at quarter peak prominence qprom_width(spike) = minR + spikeLoc - minL; end % sort and select the all found peaks in a 3-step algorithm % 1st step: exclude every peak beneath the overall mean +1 mV select_peaks = peak_values > mean(dataIN)+1; peaks_subset1 = peak_values(select_peaks); % select the corresponding values/properties locs_subset1 = locations(select_peaks); qprom_width_subset1 = qprom_width(select_peaks); prom_subset1 = prom(select_peaks); % 2nd step: select only peaks with a quarter peak prom over 4 and % under 45 select_peaks = 4 < qprom_width_subset1 & qprom_width_subset1 < 45; peaks_subset2 = peaks_subset1(select_peaks); % select the coorresponding values/properties locs_subset2 = locs_subset1(select_peaks); prom_subset2 = prom_subset1(select_peaks); % 3rd step: exclude the peaks smaller than 20% of the largest peak select_peaks = prom_subset2 > max(prom_subset2)*0.2; peaks_subset3 = peaks_subset2(select_peaks); % select the corresponding values/properties locs_subset3 = locs_subset2(select_peaks); % using findpeaks again, but without a maximum peak width to find all % spikes even those with incorrectly measured peak width [peaks,locs,~,prom] = findpeaks(dataIN,... 'Annotate','extents', 'WidthReference','halfprom',... 'MinPeakProminence', 1); % find onset locations of positive stimuli [~, stim_locs] = findpeaks(standard_stimulus); % seperate the one spike per stimulus that was ignored before for i = 1:length(stim_locs) sel_peaks = locs >= stim_locs(i) & locs <= stim_locs(i)+5000; [~,maxIndex] = max(prom(sel_peaks)); if ~isempty(maxIndex) locs_subset = locs(sel_peaks); peaks_subset = peaks(sel_peaks); extra_locs(i,1) = locs_subset(maxIndex); extra_peaks(i,1) = peaks_subset(maxIndex); end end % collect all spikes and sort them according to their location [locs_final,sortOrder] = sort([locs_subset3;extra_locs]); peaks_final = [peaks_subset3;extra_peaks]; peaks_final = peaks_final(sortOrder); % plot the peaks that are found plus their prominence and width if plotflag figure findpeaks(dataIN, 10000,... 'Annotate','extents', 'WidthReference','halfprom',... 'MinPeakProminence', 1,'MaxPeakWidth',200); locs_plot = locs_final / 10000; hold on; plot(locs_plot, peaks_final, 'og'); hold off; xlabel("time [s]"); ylabel("membrane potential [mV]"); end % return peak and location values if isequal(nargout,1) varargout{1} = peaks_final; elseif isequal(nargout,2) varargout{1} = peaks_final; varargout{2} = locs_final; end % end of function definition end