Output of reg_aladin -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_TemplateAff.nii.gz -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixAff.txt: [NiftyReg ALADIN] Command line: reg_aladin -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_TemplateAff.nii.gz -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixAff.txt [reg_aladin_sym] Parameters [reg_aladin_sym] Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz [reg_aladin_sym] 256x256x48 voxels [reg_aladin_sym] 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm [reg_aladin_sym] Floating image name: /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz [reg_aladin_sym] 228x160x264 voxels [reg_aladin_sym] 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm [reg_aladin_sym] Maximum iteration number: 5 (10 during the first level) [reg_aladin_sym] Percentage of blocks: 50 % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 1 / 3 [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 64x64x48 voxels 0.273438x0.273438x0.3 mm [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 57x40x66 voxels 0.2x0.2x0.2 mm [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [16 16 12] [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [15 10 17] [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix:: 1 0 0 -8.725 0 1 0 -11.325 0 0 1 -4.575 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix:: 1 0 0 8.725 0 1 0 11.325 0 0 1 4.575 0 0 0 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix:: 1.03121 -0.070096 0.0416179 -8.52808 0.0673405 1.12529 0.0527747 -13.1878 -0.0521392 -0.0500029 0.970681 -3.0015 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix:: 0.963691 0.0580536 -0.0444744 8.85054 -0.0599528 0.882908 -0.0454321 10.996 0.0486754 0.0485997 1.02548 4.134 0 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 2 / 3 [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 128x128x48 voxels 0.136719x0.136719x0.3 mm [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 114x80x132 voxels 0.1x0.1x0.1 mm [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [32 32 12] [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [29 20 33] [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix:: 1.03121 -0.070096 0.0416179 -8.52808 0.0673405 1.12529 0.0527747 -13.1878 -0.0521392 -0.0500029 0.970681 -3.0015 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix:: 0.963691 0.0580536 -0.0444744 8.85054 -0.0599528 0.882908 -0.0454321 10.996 0.0486754 0.0485997 1.02548 4.134 0 0 0 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix:: 1.02678 -0.0566444 0.04973 -8.63747 0.0686745 1.12366 0.0536754 -13.1961 -0.0560472 -0.0445195 0.979373 -3.03328 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix:: 0.967966 0.0467468 -0.0517128 8.8208 -0.0616711 0.885041 -0.045374 11.0088 0.052591 0.0429067 1.01604 4.10238 0 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 3 / 3 [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 256x256x48 voxels 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 228x160x264 voxels 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [64 64 12] [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [57 40 66] [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix:: 1.02678 -0.0566444 0.04973 -8.63747 0.0686745 1.12366 0.0536754 -13.1961 -0.0560472 -0.0445195 0.979373 -3.03328 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix:: 0.967966 0.0467468 -0.0517128 8.8208 -0.0616711 0.885041 -0.045374 11.0088 0.052591 0.0429067 1.01604 4.10238 0 0 0 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix:: 1.02933 -0.0626773 0.0480637 -8.61014 0.0667888 1.13199 0.0485787 -13.2213 -0.0569631 -0.044734 0.982631 -3.02135 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix:: 0.965409 0.0514871 -0.0497667 8.84266 -0.0592462 0.878517 -0.0405337 10.9826 0.0532675 0.042979 1.01295 4.08734 0 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Registration Performed in 2 min 23 sec Have a good day ! Output of reg_aladin -ref /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz -flo /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_IncidenceData.nii.gz -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixInv.txt: [NiftyReg ALADIN] Command line: reg_aladin -ref /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz -flo /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_IncidenceData.nii.gz -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixInv.txt [reg_aladin_sym] Parameters [reg_aladin_sym] Reference image name: /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz [reg_aladin_sym] 228x160x264 voxels [reg_aladin_sym] 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm [reg_aladin_sym] Floating image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz [reg_aladin_sym] 256x256x48 voxels [reg_aladin_sym] 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm [reg_aladin_sym] Maximum iteration number: 5 (10 during the first level) [reg_aladin_sym] Percentage of blocks: 50 % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 1 / 3 [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 57x40x66 voxels 0.2x0.2x0.2 mm [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 64x64x48 voxels 0.273438x0.273438x0.3 mm [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [15 10 17] [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [16 16 12] [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix:: 1 0 0 8.725 0 1 0 11.325 0 0 1 4.575 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix:: 1 0 0 -8.725 0 1 0 -11.325 0 0 1 -4.575 0 0 0 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix:: 0.98537 0.0426158 -0.0500037 8.81749 -0.059595 0.91442 -0.0739214 11.1643 0.0320505 0.0840334 1.03502 4.18855 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix:: 1.01028 -0.0512325 0.0451497 -8.52527 0.0629006 1.08327 0.0804065 -12.9854 -0.0363915 -0.0863646 0.958242 -2.72857 0 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 2 / 3 [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 114x80x132 voxels 0.1x0.1x0.1 mm [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 128x128x48 voxels 0.136719x0.136719x0.3 mm [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [29 20 33] [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [32 32 12] [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix:: 0.98537 0.0426158 -0.0500037 8.81749 -0.059595 0.91442 -0.0739214 11.1643 0.0320505 0.0840334 1.03502 4.18855 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix:: 1.01028 -0.0512325 0.0451497 -8.52527 0.0629006 1.08327 0.0804065 -12.9854 -0.0363915 -0.0863646 0.958242 -2.72857 0 0 0 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix:: 0.972919 0.0576187 -0.0486056 8.84293 -0.0786788 0.912231 -0.0535567 11.136 0.0585278 0.0614532 1.01925 4.14257 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix:: 1.01967 -0.0674418 0.0450821 -8.45259 0.0842096 1.08678 0.0611209 -13.1002 -0.0636294 -0.0616523 0.974844 -2.78914 0 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [reg_aladin_sym] Current level 3 / 3 [reg_aladin_sym] reference image size: 228x160x264 voxels 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm [reg_aladin_sym] floating image size: 256x256x48 voxels 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm [reg_aladin_sym] Block size = [4 4 4] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Forward Block number = [57 40 66] [reg_aladin_sym] Backward Block number = [64 64 12] [reg_aladin_sym] Initial forward transformation matrix:: 0.972919 0.0576187 -0.0486056 8.84293 -0.0786788 0.912231 -0.0535567 11.136 0.0585278 0.0614532 1.01925 4.14257 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Initial backward transformation matrix:: 1.01967 -0.0674418 0.0450821 -8.45259 0.0842096 1.08678 0.0611209 -13.1002 -0.0636294 -0.0616523 0.974844 -2.78914 0 0 0 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [reg_aladin_sym] Final forward transformation matrix:: 0.977969 0.0551501 -0.055361 8.85816 -0.0721884 0.901924 -0.0411862 11.0902 0.0434245 0.0484284 1.01971 4.10132 0 0 0 1 [reg_aladin_sym] Final backward transformation matrix:: 1.0154 -0.0649083 0.0525057 -8.49011 0.079125 1.10128 0.0487768 -13.1144 -0.0469991 -0.0495386 0.976121 -3.03766 0 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Registration Performed in 2 min 6 sec Have a good day ! Output of reg_resample -ref /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz -flo /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/BetStroke_mask.nii.gz -trans /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixInv.txt -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_IncidenceData_mask.nii.gz: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Command line: reg_resample -ref /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz -flo /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/BetStroke_mask.nii.gz -trans /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixInv.txt -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_IncidenceData_mask.nii.gz Parameters Reference image name: /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm Floating image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/BetStroke_mask.nii.gz 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_IncidenceData_mask.nii.gz Output of reg_f3d -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz -sx 3 -sy 3 -sz 3 -jl 0.3 -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_Template.nii.gz -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixAff.txt: [NiftyReg F3D] Command line: reg_f3d -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz -sx 3 -sy 3 -sz 3 -jl 0.3 -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_Template.nii.gz -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -aff /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixAff.txt [NiftyReg F3D] OpenMP is used with 8 thread(s) [NiftyReg F3D] ************************************************** [NiftyReg F3D] INPUT PARAMETERS [NiftyReg F3D] ************************************************** [NiftyReg F3D] Reference image: [NiftyReg F3D] * name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 256 x 256 x 48 x 1 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.0683594 x 0.0683594 x 0.3 mm [NiftyReg F3D] * intensity threshold for timepoint 1/1: [-3.4e+38 3.4e+38] [NiftyReg F3D] * gaussian smoothing sigma: 0 [NiftyReg F3D] [NiftyReg F3D] Floating image: [NiftyReg F3D] * name: /aida/lib/NP_template_sc0.nii.gz [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 228 x 160 x 264 x 1 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.05 x 0.05 x 0.05 mm [NiftyReg F3D] * intensity threshold for timepoint 1/1: [-3.4e+38 3.4e+38] [NiftyReg F3D] * gaussian smoothing sigma: 0 [NiftyReg F3D] [NiftyReg F3D] Warped image padding value: nan [NiftyReg F3D] [NiftyReg F3D] Level number: 3 [NiftyReg F3D] [NiftyReg F3D] Maximum iteration number per level: 300 [NiftyReg F3D] [NiftyReg F3D] Final spacing in mm: 3 3 3 [NiftyReg F3D] [NiftyReg F3D] The NMI is used as a similarity measure. [NiftyReg F3D] Similarity measure term weight: 0.695 [NiftyReg F3D] [NiftyReg F3D] Bending energy penalty term weight: 0.005 [NiftyReg F3D] [NiftyReg F3D] Linear energy penalty term weights: 0 0 [NiftyReg F3D] [NiftyReg F3D] L2 norm of the displacement penalty term weights: 0 [NiftyReg F3D] [NiftyReg F3D] Jacobian-based penalty term weight: 0.3 [NiftyReg F3D] * Jacobian-based penalty term is approximated [NiftyReg F3D] ************************************************** [NiftyReg F3D] Current level: 1 / 3 [NiftyReg F3D] Current reference image [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 64 x 64 x 48 x 1 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.273438 x 0.273438 x 0.3 mm [NiftyReg F3D] Current floating image [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 57 x 40 x 66 x 1 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.2 mm [NiftyReg F3D] Current control point image [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 5 x 5 x 5 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 12 x 12 x 12 mm [NiftyReg F3D] Initial objective function: 0.787314 = (wSIM)0.793501 - (wBE)1.81939e-15 - (wLE)0 - (wL2)0 - (wJAC)0.00618733 [NiftyReg F3D] [10] Current objective function: 0.789227 = (wSIM)0.795455 - (wBE)1.71e-08 - (wJAC)6.23e-03 [+ 0.155156 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [17] Current objective function: 0.789227 = (wSIM)0.795455 - (wBE)1.71e-08 - (wJAC)6.23e-03 [+ 0 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] Current registration level done [NiftyReg F3D] -------------------------------------------------- [NiftyReg F3D] ************************************************** [NiftyReg F3D] Current level: 2 / 3 [NiftyReg F3D] Current reference image [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 128 x 128 x 48 x 1 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.136719 x 0.136719 x 0.3 mm [NiftyReg F3D] Current floating image [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 114 x 80 x 132 x 1 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 mm [NiftyReg F3D] Current control point image [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 6 x 6 x 6 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 6 x 6 x 6 mm [NiftyReg F3D] Initial objective function: 0.784711 = (wSIM)0.791002 - (wBE)3.28889e-08 - (wLE)0 - (wL2)0 - (wJAC)0.00629144 [NiftyReg F3D] [9] Current objective function: 0.786173 = (wSIM)0.792446 - (wBE)2.45e-07 - (wJAC)6.27e-03 [+ 0.15 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [18] Current objective function: 0.787487 = (wSIM)0.793779 - (wBE)2.20e-06 - (wJAC)6.29e-03 [+ 0.2325 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [27] Current objective function: 0.788167 = (wSIM)0.794393 - (wBE)9.20e-06 - (wJAC)6.22e-03 [+ 0.2325 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [36] Current objective function: 0.789616 = (wSIM)0.795688 - (wBE)2.14e-05 - (wJAC)6.05e-03 [+ 0.2325 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [45] Current objective function: 0.789827 = (wSIM)0.7958 - (wBE)3.87e-05 - (wJAC)5.93e-03 [+ 0.2325 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [53] Current objective function: 0.789827 = (wSIM)0.7958 - (wBE)3.87e-05 - (wJAC)5.93e-03 [+ 0 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] Current registration level done [NiftyReg F3D] -------------------------------------------------- [NiftyReg F3D] ************************************************** [NiftyReg F3D] Current level: 3 / 3 [NiftyReg F3D] Current reference image [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 256 x 256 x 48 x 1 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.0683594 x 0.0683594 x 0.3 mm [NiftyReg F3D] Current floating image [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 228 x 160 x 264 x 1 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 0.05 x 0.05 x 0.05 mm [NiftyReg F3D] Current control point image [NiftyReg F3D] * image dimension: 9 x 9 x 8 [NiftyReg F3D] * image spacing: 3 x 3 x 3 mm [NiftyReg F3D] Initial objective function: 0.782413 = (wSIM)0.788367 - (wBE)6.17625e-05 - (wLE)0 - (wL2)0 - (wJAC)0.00589204 [NiftyReg F3D] [9] Current objective function: 0.784543 = (wSIM)0.790392 - (wBE)5.35e-05 - (wJAC)5.80e-03 [+ 0.3 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [19] Current objective function: 0.785194 = (wSIM)0.790982 - (wBE)5.90e-05 - (wJAC)5.73e-03 [+ 0.155156 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [27] Current objective function: 0.785361 = (wSIM)0.79109 - (wBE)6.91e-05 - (wJAC)5.66e-03 [+ 0.155156 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [35] Current objective function: 0.785781 = (wSIM)0.791486 - (wBE)8.47e-05 - (wJAC)5.62e-03 [+ 0.155156 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [44] Current objective function: 0.786451 = (wSIM)0.792165 - (wBE)8.81e-05 - (wJAC)5.63e-03 [+ 0.17649 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [53] Current objective function: 0.786505 = (wSIM)0.792223 - (wBE)9.21e-05 - (wJAC)5.63e-03 [+ 0.0220613 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [60] Current objective function: 0.786662 = (wSIM)0.792367 - (wBE)9.21e-05 - (wJAC)5.61e-03 [+ 0.0463287 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [69] Current objective function: 0.786741 = (wSIM)0.792433 - (wBE)9.66e-05 - (wJAC)5.59e-03 [+ 0.0562025 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [82] Current objective function: 0.787227 = (wSIM)0.792917 - (wBE)1.43e-04 - (wJAC)5.55e-03 [+ 0.313293 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [91] Current objective function: 0.787551 = (wSIM)0.793234 - (wBE)1.97e-04 - (wJAC)5.49e-03 [+ 0.15 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [99] Current objective function: 0.787641 = (wSIM)0.793339 - (wBE)3.07e-04 - (wJAC)5.39e-03 [+ 0.15 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [107] Current objective function: 0.787666 = (wSIM)0.793384 - (wBE)3.49e-04 - (wJAC)5.37e-03 [+ 0.0375 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [116] Current objective function: 0.788023 = (wSIM)0.793756 - (wBE)3.45e-04 - (wJAC)5.39e-03 [+ 0.124125 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [124] Current objective function: 0.788058 = (wSIM)0.793778 - (wBE)3.43e-04 - (wJAC)5.38e-03 [+ 0.0620625 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [132] Current objective function: 0.788202 = (wSIM)0.793886 - (wBE)3.43e-04 - (wJAC)5.34e-03 [+ 0.0791297 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [139] Current objective function: 0.788265 = (wSIM)0.793897 - (wBE)3.45e-04 - (wJAC)5.29e-03 [+ 0.0791297 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [146] Current objective function: 0.788313 = (wSIM)0.79393 - (wBE)3.46e-04 - (wJAC)5.27e-03 [+ 0.0791297 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [153] Current objective function: 0.788374 = (wSIM)0.793982 - (wBE)3.49e-04 - (wJAC)5.26e-03 [+ 0.0791297 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [160] Current objective function: 0.788379 = (wSIM)0.793971 - (wBE)3.52e-04 - (wJAC)5.24e-03 [+ 0.0395648 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [167] Current objective function: 0.788599 = (wSIM)0.794162 - (wBE)3.55e-04 - (wJAC)5.21e-03 [+ 0.0830862 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [174] Current objective function: 0.788614 = (wSIM)0.794152 - (wBE)3.59e-04 - (wJAC)5.18e-03 [+ 0.0207715 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [183] Current objective function: 0.788716 = (wSIM)0.794263 - (wBE)3.60e-04 - (wJAC)5.19e-03 [+ 0.0596429 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [190] Current objective function: 0.788723 = (wSIM)0.794269 - (wBE)3.61e-04 - (wJAC)5.18e-03 [+ 0.0149107 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [198] Current objective function: 0.788759 = (wSIM)0.79429 - (wBE)3.64e-04 - (wJAC)5.17e-03 [+ 0.0592776 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [206] Current objective function: 0.788762 = (wSIM)0.794285 - (wBE)3.67e-04 - (wJAC)5.16e-03 [+ 0.0188947 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [212] Current objective function: 0.78879 = (wSIM)0.794319 - (wBE)3.67e-04 - (wJAC)5.16e-03 [+ 0.0240908 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [218] Current objective function: 0.788791 = (wSIM)0.79432 - (wBE)3.68e-04 - (wJAC)5.16e-03 [+ 0.00602269 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [224] Current objective function: 0.7888 = (wSIM)0.794323 - (wBE)3.72e-04 - (wJAC)5.15e-03 [+ 0.0162914 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [232] Current objective function: 0.78885 = (wSIM)0.794358 - (wBE)3.75e-04 - (wJAC)5.13e-03 [+ 0.0494892 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [239] Current objective function: 0.78885 = (wSIM)0.794343 - (wBE)3.79e-04 - (wJAC)5.11e-03 [+ 0.0247446 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [247] Current objective function: 0.788899 = (wSIM)0.794387 - (wBE)3.86e-04 - (wJAC)5.10e-03 [+ 0.0669341 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [254] Current objective function: 0.788911 = (wSIM)0.794384 - (wBE)3.95e-04 - (wJAC)5.08e-03 [+ 0.0334671 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [262] Current objective function: 0.789037 = (wSIM)0.794479 - (wBE)4.03e-04 - (wJAC)5.04e-03 [+ 0.0804046 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [269] Current objective function: 0.789059 = (wSIM)0.794468 - (wBE)4.16e-04 - (wJAC)4.99e-03 [+ 0.0402023 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [278] Current objective function: 0.789155 = (wSIM)0.794563 - (wBE)4.24e-04 - (wJAC)4.98e-03 [+ 0.0874651 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] [284] Current objective function: 0.789155 = (wSIM)0.794563 - (wBE)4.24e-04 - (wJAC)4.98e-03 [+ 0 mm] [NiftyReg F3D] Current registration level done [NiftyReg F3D] -------------------------------------------------- [NiftyReg F3D] Registration Performed in 1 min 31 sec [NiftyReg F3D] Have a good day ! Output of reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_TemplateAllen.nii.gz: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Command line: reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_TemplateAllen.nii.gz Parameters Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm Floating image name: /aida/lib/average_template_50.nii.gz 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_TemplateAllen.nii.gz Output of reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annoVolume.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_Anno_parental.nii.gz: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Command line: reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annoVolume.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_Anno_parental.nii.gz Parameters Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm Floating image name: /aida/lib/annoVolume.nii.gz 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_Anno_parental.nii.gz Output of reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annoVolume+2000_rsfMRI.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit_parental.nii.gz: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Command line: reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annoVolume+2000_rsfMRI.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit_parental.nii.gz Parameters Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm Floating image name: /aida/lib/annoVolume+2000_rsfMRI.nii.gz 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit_parental.nii.gz Output of reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annotation_50CHANGEDanno.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_Anno.nii.gz: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Command line: reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/annotation_50CHANGEDanno.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_Anno.nii.gz Parameters Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm Floating image name: /aida/lib/annotation_50CHANGEDanno.nii.gz 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_Anno.nii.gz Output of reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/ARA_annotationR+2000.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit.nii.gz: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Command line: reg_resample -ref /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz -flo /aida/lib/ARA_annotationR+2000.nii.gz -inter 0 -cpp /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBetMatrixBspline.nii -res /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit.nii.gz Parameters Reference image name: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet.nii.gz 256x256x48 voxels, 1 volumes 0.0683594x0.0683594x0.3 mm Floating image name: /aida/lib/ARA_annotationR+2000.nii.gz 228x160x264 voxels, 1 volumes 0.05x0.05x0.05 mm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [NiftyReg] Resampled image has been saved: /data/testdata_AIDA/proc_data/sub-SPsV1c2m1/ses-P5/anat/sub-SPsV1c2m1_ses-P5_T2wBiasBet_AnnoSplit.nii.gz Registration completed