123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on Mon Oct 28 12:21:08 2024
- @author: arefk
- """
- import os
- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
- import seaborn as sns
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
- # Get the directory where the code file is located
- code_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- parent_dir = os.path.dirname(code_dir)
- # Make sure these variables are set according to your selected settings
- selected_groups = ["Sham", "Stroke"] # Example: Stroke group vs. Control group
- selected_qtype = "fa" # Example: fa Qtype
- selected_mask_names = [
- "CC_MOp-MOp_cut",
- "CRuT_MOp-RN_ipsilesional_CCcut",
- "CRuT_MOp-RN_contralesional_mirrored_CCcut",
- "CReT_MOp-TRN_ipsilesional_CCcut",
- "CReT_MOp-TRN_contralesional_CCcut",
- "CST_MOp-int-py_ipsilesional_selfdrawnROA+CCcut",
- "CST_MOp-int-py_contralesional_selfdrawnROA+CCcut",
- "TC_DORsm-SSp_ll+SSp_ul_ipsilesional_END+higherstepsize_",
- "TC_DORsm-SSp_ll+SSp_ul_contralesional_END+higherstepsize",
- "OT_och-lgn_lgncut"
- ] # Updated list of specific masks
- selected_timepoints = [28] # Example: multiple selected timepoints
- selected_dialation_amount = 3 # Example: dilation value for the time point
- # Define simple anatomical names for the masks
- mask_name_mapping = {
- "CC_MOp-MOp_cut": "Corpus Callosum",
- "CRuT_MOp-RN_ipsilesional_CCcut": "Rubropsinal (Ipsilesional)",
- "CRuT_MOp-RN_contralesional_mirrored_CCcut": "Rubropsinal (Contralesional)",
- "TC_DORsm-SSp_ll+SSp_ul_ipsilesional_END+higherstepsize_": "Thalamocortical (Ipsilesional)",
- "TC_DORsm-SSp_ll+SSp_ul_contralesional_END+higherstepsize": "Thalamocortical (Contralisional)",
- "CReT_MOp-TRN_contralesional_CCcut": "Reticulospinal (Contralesional)",
- "CReT_MOp-TRN_ipsilesional_CCcut": "Reticulospinal (Ipsilesional)",
- "CST_MOp-int-py_contralesional_selfdrawnROA+CCcut": "Corticospinal (Contralesional)",
- "CST_MOp-int-py_ipsilesional_selfdrawnROA+CCcut": "Corticospinal (Ipsilesional)",
- "OT_och-lgn_lgncut": "Optic"
- }
- # Load the CSV data
- input_file_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, 'output', "Quantitative_outputs", 'Quantitative_results_from_dwi_processing_merged_with_behavior_data.csv')
- df = pd.read_csv(input_file_path, low_memory=False)
- # Define output paths
- figures_folder = os.path.join(parent_dir, 'output', 'Figures')
- pythonFigs_folder = os.path.join(figures_folder, 'pythonFigs')
- # Create directories if they do not exist
- os.makedirs(pythonFigs_folder, exist_ok=True)
- # Iterate over each timepoint
- for timepoint in selected_timepoints:
- # Filter the DataFrame based on selected settings for each group and mask name
- df_filtered_vis_list = []
- for mask_name in selected_mask_names:
- for group in selected_groups:
- df_filtered = df[(df['Group'] == group) &
- (df['Qtype'] == selected_qtype) &
- (df['mask_name'] == mask_name) &
- (df['dialation_amount'] == selected_dialation_amount) &
- (df['merged_timepoint'] == timepoint)].copy()
- df_filtered['Region'] = mask_name_mapping.get(mask_name, mask_name) # Add simplified region name for plotting
- df_filtered_vis_list.append(df_filtered)
- # Combine the filtered DataFrames
- df_filtered_vis = pd.concat(df_filtered_vis_list, ignore_index=True)
- # Remove NaNs and ensure we have enough data for analysis
- df_filtered_vis = df_filtered_vis.dropna(subset=['Value'])
- # Plot the data if available
- if not df_filtered_vis.empty:
- # Custom colors for groups (example colors)
- custom_colors = {"Stroke": 'red', "Sham": 'gray'}
- # Create the figure
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18 / 2.54, 9 / 2.54))
- # Set font to Times New Roman
- plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'Calibri'
- # Perform Mann-Whitney U test for each region to determine if there's a significant difference
- pval_text_list = []
- p_values = []
- simple_names = []
- # Print p-values in the console
- print(f'--- Timepoint {timepoint} ---')
- for mask_name in selected_mask_names:
- simple_name = mask_name_mapping.get(mask_name, mask_name)
- stroke_values = df_filtered_vis[(df_filtered_vis['Group'] == 'Stroke') & (df_filtered_vis['Region'] == simple_name)]['Value']
- sham_values = df_filtered_vis[(df_filtered_vis['Group'] == 'Sham') & (df_filtered_vis['Region'] == simple_name)]['Value']
- if len(stroke_values) > 0 and len(sham_values) > 0:
- stat, p_value = mannwhitneyu(stroke_values, sham_values, alternative='two-sided')
- else:
- p_value = 1.0 # Default p-value when there's insufficient data
- print("insufficent data")
- p_values.append(p_value)
- simple_names.append(simple_name)
- # Apply Bonferroni correction
- num_comparisons = len(p_values)
- corrected_p_values = [p * num_comparisons for p in p_values]
- # Generate p-value text with Bonferroni correction
- for simple_name, corrected_p_value in zip(simple_names, corrected_p_values):
- if corrected_p_value < 0.001:
- pval_text_list.append(f'Region {simple_name}: p_corrected < 0.001 (***)')
- elif corrected_p_value < 0.01:
- pval_text_list.append(f'Region {simple_name}: p_corrected < 0.01 (**)')
- elif corrected_p_value < 0.05:
- pval_text_list.append(f'Region {simple_name}: p_corrected < 0.05 (*)')
- else:
- pval_text_list.append(f'Region {simple_name}: p_corrected = {corrected_p_value:.3f} (n.s.)')
- pval_text_list.append(f"number of comparisons corrected for: {num_comparisons}")
- # Print corrected p-values in a well-formatted manner
- pval_text_output = "\n".join(pval_text_list)
- print(pval_text_output)
- # Save the p-value results to a text file
- pval_filename = f'{selected_qtype}_pvalues_timepoint_{timepoint}_dialation_{selected_dialation_amount}_regions_groups_comparison_chronic.txt'
- pval_file_path = os.path.join(pythonFigs_folder, pval_filename)
- with open(pval_file_path, 'w') as pval_file:
- pval_file.write(pval_text_output)
- # Create boxplot with dots, grouping by Region and Group
- sns.boxplot(x='Region', y='Value', hue='Group', data=df_filtered_vis, ax=ax, palette=custom_colors, showcaps=True,
- whiskerprops={'color': 'black', 'linewidth': 0.8}, fliersize=0, linewidth=1.0, boxprops={'linewidth': 0.8})
- sns.despine(ax=ax, right=True, top=True)
- sns.stripplot(x='Region', y='Value', hue='Group', data=df_filtered_vis, ax=ax, dodge=True,
- palette={'Stroke': '#8B0000', 'Sham': '#4F4F4F'}, alpha=1.0, size=2, jitter=True, marker='o', legend=False)
- # Set labels and customize font settings
- ax.set_ylabel('Mean FA Value [a.u]', fontsize=12, fontname='Calibri')
- # Remove duplicate legends
- ax.get_legend().remove()
- # Adjust layout
- plt.xticks(rotation=20, ha='right') # Tilt x-axis ticks
- plt.tight_layout() # Adjust layout to make space for the main title
- # Save the figure, including the region name in the filename
- fig_filename = f'{selected_qtype}_boxplot_timepoint_{timepoint}_dialation_{selected_dialation_amount}_regions_groups_comparison_chronic.svg'
- plt.savefig(os.path.join(pythonFigs_folder, fig_filename), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', format="svg", transparent=True)
- # Show the figure
- plt.show()
- else:
- print(f"No data available for the selected settings: Groups={selected_groups}, Qtype={selected_qtype}, Timepoint={timepoint}, Dilation value={selected_dialation_amount}, Regions={selected_mask_names}.")