# Collection of Resources for AIDAqc Pipeline This repository contains various resources related to the [AIDAqc pipeline](git@github.com:Aswendt-Lab/AIDAqc.git) used in the following Publication: ***Automated quality control of small animal MR neuroimaging data***, DOI: tbd If you are accessing this repository via a `gin.gnode.org DOI link`, please note that the data associated with this pipeline is available through the live dataset's content on GIN (contains updates). ## Repository Structure: - The code for the AIDAqc pipeline can be found in the `code/` directory. This code is also linked to GitHub for further reference. - The final results generated by the [AIDAqc](https://github.com/Aswendt-Lab/AIDAqc) pipeline for each dataset can be located in the respective dataset's `output/` folder. - Additional documentation related to this project can be accessed via this [link](https://github.com/Aswendt-Lab/MRI_Standardization_AIDAqc). ## Accessing the Data: The data used in the development of the AIDAqc pipeline is not available directly through the DOI associated with this repository. Instead, you can access the data through the live version of this dataset on GIN. Please use the following link to browse and access the data: [Link to GIN Repository](https://gin.g-node.org/Aswendt_Lab/2023_Kalantari_AIDAqc) ## Additional Information: This structured dataset was created with reference to the following publication: [DOI:10.1038/s41597-023-02242-8](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-023-02242-8) If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us. Wait for more orders.