-- RAW DATA (TMS-EEG AND TMS-EMG) Please note that the raw TMS-EEG and TMS-EMG data (.mat file from g.tec) have been transformed to eeglab format and underwent a few preprocessing steps, to save storage space and so that they can be easily accessed by everyone. The preprocessing steps already applied are the following: - concatenation of multiple files from the same experimental block, - time interpolation around the TMS pulse [from -1 ms to 2 ms after TMS pulse], - resampling [from 9600 Hz to 4800 Hz], - epoching [from 200 ms before to 500 ms after the TMS pulse], - baseline correction [from 100 ms to 2 ms before the TMS pulse], - distinction of EEG channels from EMG channels in separate files. Detailed information on these steps can be found in the published paper: "Zazio A, Barchiesi G, Ferrari C, Marcantoni E and Bortoletto M (2022) M1-P15 as a cortical marker for transcallosal inhibition: A preregistered TMS-EEG study. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 16:937515. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.937515" -- RAW DATA (behavioral) Please note that the raw behavioral data for bimanual performance consisted in a continuous signal recorded on the trigger channel in the EEG recording. To make them easily accessible to everyone, the data we provide here consists of the individual inter-hand interval (IHI) in ms for each tap, provided in long format in "Zazio et al_FHN_2022_behavioraldata.txt" The processing steps applied are the following: - discard touches with time interval between fingers of the same hand < 200 ms - discard touches with raw IHI > 150 - discard touches with raw IHI <> 2SD - add 1 sampling point to raw IHI (to avoid 0 values in log transformation) Finally, for each subject we considered an equal number of taps, by selecting the first N taps (where N is the number of taps of the participant with the minimum number of taps; N=265 for sequence task). -- SUBJECTS Subject code: ['S' subject number '_' order '_' paradigm '_' hemisphere '_' task], where: subject number: from 01 to 32; order: 'O1_S', 'O2_S', 'O3_S', 'O4_S', 'O1_T', 'O2_T', 'O3_T', 'O4_T' to counterbalance task order; paradigm: 'BIM' for bimanual tasks, 'ISP' for ISP paradigm; hemisphere: 'LTMS' for left TMS, 'RTMS' for right TMS; task: 'S' for bimanual sequence, 'T' for bimanual tapping; 'C' for contralateral hand contracted during ISP paradigm; 'R' for contralateral hand relaxed during ISP paradigm. Please note that S02 and S32 was discarded from TMS-EEG analyses; S07 was discarded from iSP analyses. Information on each subject is provided in "Zazio et al_FHN_2022_subjectnotes.txt" -- In case you need the raw version of the data or any further information, please contact the corresponding author Agnese Zazio (agnese.zazio@cognitiveneuroscience.it) and we will be happy to share it.