# **P-unit data in nixio format for the paper 'Beat encoding at mistuned octaves within single electrosensory neurons'** ## **Summary** We provide electrophysiological datasets of primary sensory afferents (P-Units) of the *Apteronotus leptorhynchus* (Barayeu et al., 2023). The datasets contain intracellular recordings sampled at 40 kHz. It also includes the timing of stimulus-related events recorded along with the electrophysiological data. The datasets also provide the metadata structured in a nixio format. The datasets address contain information and can be analysed with the questions in mind: How are beats at high difference frequencies encoded in the electrosensory system in primary sensory afferents? ## Repository structure The repository contains the P-unit data sets. They are provided in the nixio format (.nix). ## Example code to load the data of a cell: - import the nixo package ``` import nixio as nix from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np ``` - load cell (works if you are in the cell folder) ``` file = nix.File.open('2019-05-07-aq-invivo-1.nix', nix.FileMode.ReadOnly) b = file.blocks[0] ``` - choice of a beat multi_tag ``` mt_nr = 1 mt = b.multi_tags[mt_nr] ``` - load the array of interest: here the EOD of the fish and the spike times ``` EOD = b.data_arrays['LocalEOD-1'] spikes_all = b.data_arrays['Spikes-1'] voltage = b.data_arrays['V-1'] ``` - slice the whole data array at the bignning and the extend of the multitag ``` eod = EOD.get_slice([mt.positions[:][mt_nr]], [mt.extents[:][mt_nr]], nix.DataSliceMode.Data)[:] spikes = spikes_all.get_slice([mt.positions[:][mt_nr]], [mt.extents[:][mt_nr]], nix.DataSliceMode.Data)[:] - mt.positions[:][mt_nr] volt = voltage.get_slice([mt.positions[:][mt_nr]], [mt.extents[:][mt_nr]], nix.DataSliceMode.Data)[:] ``` - get the sampling ``` sampling = len(EOD.get_slice([0], [0.1], nix.DataSliceMode.Data)[:]) * 10 ``` - get the time array ``` time_array = np.arange(0, mt.extents[:][mt_nr], 1 / sampling) ``` - example plot of a beat and the P-unit response ``` fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex = True) ax[0].set_ylabel('mV') ax[0].plot(time_array, eod) ax[1].plot(time_array, volt) ax[1].set_ylabel('mV') ax[1].set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax[1].set_xlim(0,0.1) ax[1].scatter(spikes, np.ones(len(spikes))*np.max(volt)) plt.show() ``` See https://nixio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html#tutorials for more documentation examples.